
Category: Social Media Marketing

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Contextual Targeting on Social Media: Why You Need It
By Keith Kakadia | July 12, 2024 | Social Media Marketing

Contextual Targeting on Social Media: Why You Need It

Whether you’re just jumping into the world of social media or you’ve been balancing the act of writing, editing, and […]

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Social Media Engagement: What is the REAL Value?
By Keith Kakadia | | Social Media Marketing

Social Media Engagement: What is the REAL Value?

In our current social media landscape, likes and shares are often seen as the benchmarks of success on social media. […]

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Social Media Content: Answers to Your Most Common Questions
By Keith Kakadia | July 11, 2024 | Social Media Marketing

Social Media Content: Answers to Your Most Common Questions

In today’s digital era, creating relevant content for social media has become essential for a successful marketing strategy. It involves crafting posts tailored to […]

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Mastering Social Media Marketing for Gyms: A Comprehensive Guide
By Keith Kakadia | | Social Media Marketing

Mastering Social Media Marketing for Gyms: A Comprehensive Guide

How are YOU connecting with your current gym membership holders and target audience?  Today, gyms and fitness brands are not […]

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Creative Social Paid Advertising Ideas for Small Business
By Keith Kakadia | | Social Media Marketing

Creative Social Paid Advertising Ideas for Small Business

Diving into the world of social paid advertising as a small business comes with its own unique set of challenges […]

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Finding Your Social Media Niche: A Strategic Approach for Impact
By Keith Kakadia | | Social Media Marketing

Finding Your Social Media Niche: A Strategic Approach for Impact

Finding your niche in the field of social media is akin to discovering your beacon in the digital landscape. It’s […]