Unfortunately, X digital marketing isn’t as simple as just showing up and Xing. As we mentioned before, there’s quite a bit of legwork to do prior to beginning to see massive success on the platform.
If you don’t already have an X account, this is when you would create one. However, for those of you who have an existing account, it’s time for an audit.
Look over your whole profile and make notes about what content has performed and what hasn’t in the past.
This is also a great time to update contact information, and URLs and analyze the performance of the hashtags you’re using.
Your X Analytics Dashboard will give you all of the information you need to correctly audit your profile to find out what’s working and what isn’t and what you can improve to grow your audience.
#2 Embrace a Brand Voice
So what particularly interests crowds on X?
As one of the most engaging places to find your audience, X marketing is impossible without embracing a particular brand voice and tone.
This is because the X universe is looking specifically for businesses that are authentic and true to themselves, even when it comes to content and the way it is presented.
Are you fun-loving and mischievous or more on the professional end of the spectrum? Maybe you want to be a little snarky, engaging and informative all at once.
Whatever tone you settle on, just make sure it’s an accurate depiction of your brand as a whole.
X’s with relevant hashtags get almost DOUBLE the engagement and views than those that don’t utilize them with each tweet.
Now, this absolutely does NOT mean that it is wise to load up every X with hashtags. Instead, be mindful of which hashtags you’re using and keep it to 5 tops.
Some brands also take the time to create their own hashtag and encourage others to use them as well. This can be a hashtag around a particular event, product, or related service.
If you’re having trouble finding which hashtags are best for your brand, Sprout Social has a trend report that’s great for keeping up with #whatstrending and we 10/10 recommend it.
If you want your X’s to get the most exposure, you’ll need to pinpoint when the optimal times to post are for your particular business and industry.
A good general rule of thumb is to post anytime between 9 and 11 on Wednesdays and Fridays, but the window is a lot larger with better research.
(Between 8 AM and 4 PM on Fridays is a GREAT time to garner the most engagement.)
While there are certainly exceptions to this, (we’re looking at you, Oreo. ;)) the majority of your X’s should be planned, written and any relevant content designed several weeks in advance with constant monitoring to ensure it’s still up to par and not going to ruffle feathers by being posted at the wrong time.
The main takeaway is to be CONSISTENT. Even if you’re only posting once a day, it’s important to stay on top, but also stay RELEVANT.
#6 Go All Out With Engagement
It’s all about engaging with your audience, sharing in their struggles, providing solutions, and educating them around HOW you can help them achieve their goals.
But in addition, it’s also about engaging with the individuals who are talking about your brand, including when it relates to supporting questions, praise, and disappointment.
The truth is that X digital marketing can be a GREAT way to address customer service issues when you’re properly wielding it as a tool for help and support.
#7 Set Goals and Make a Move to Reach Them
One of the most important parts of X digital marketing is setting attainable goals and taking the steps you need to reach them. This can include setting goals for follower counts, a percentage engagement increase, or any measurable goal-so long as you’re keeping up with it and truly working to make it an attainable one.
You can also set goals for general X marketing growth. Maybe you’ve set a goal for when you’re planning on discussing ads with a social paid ads agency, or you’re working to generate leads through a downloadable guide and/or email newsletter.
However you decide to approach the situation, just remember to keep it attainable so that you can feel confident about reaching your goals and expanding growth over time. Remember: no great progress happens overnight.